Sometimes is very hard to debug from which virtual host spam is
This can be check very easy with this trick
create a new file
vim /usr/local/bin/phpsendmail
place inside it
$sendmail = ‘/usr/sbin/sendmail’;
$logfile = ‘/var/log/mail.form’;
/* Get email content */
$logline = “;
$mail = “;
$fp = fopen(‘php://stdin’, ‘r’);
while ($line = fgets($fp))
if(preg_match(‘/^to:/i’, $line) || preg_match(‘/^from:/i’, $line))
$logline .= trim($line).’ ‘;
$mail .= $line;
/* Build sendmail command */
$cmd = ‘echo ‘ . escapeshellarg($mail) . ‘ | ‘.$sendmail.’ -t -i’;
for ($i = 1; $i < $_SERVER[‘argc’]; $i++)
$cmd .= escapeshellarg($_SERVER[‘argv’][$i]).’ ‘;
/* Log line */
$path = isset($_ENV[‘PWD’]) ? $_ENV[‘PWD’] : $_SERVER[‘PWD’];
file_put_contents($logfile, date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’) . ‘ ‘ . $logline .’ ==> ‘ .$path.“\n“, FILE_APPEND);
/* Call sendmail */
return shell_exec($cmd);
Then you need to make it executable
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/phpsendmail
touch /var/log/mail.form
chmod a+w /var/log/mail.form
In your php.ini file you need to add
sendmail_path = /usr/local/bin/phpsendmail
Restart apache
This will cause all emails which are send from apache to be logged in the file /var/log/mail.form
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