17 трика за Firefox

Страницата на Firefox about:config съдържа всички конфигурационни опции на Firefox. С редактирането на някои от тях може да си улесните живота 😉

1- Забрана на проверката за съвместимост на добавките

Това може да Ви е полезно ако желате да инсталирате добавка която не се поддържа от вашият Firefox:

extensions.checkCompatibility = True

По подразбиране: не съществува

2- Disable Delay Time When Installing Add-ons

This is the countdown you see while you try to install an add-on.I do not install and use more than 3-4 add-ons but you should disable the delay if you are an experience user and installing a lot of add-ons.

Key : security.dialog_enable_delay
Default Value : 2000 (msec)
What i am using : 0

3- View Site Source With Your Favorite Editor

This trick comes especially for webmasters.This is where we can change Firefox’s default source viewer (Ctrl + U) with anything we want.I would go for modded Gedit, Bluefish, Kompozer or Nano 🙂

Key : view_source.editor.external
Default Value : False
What i am using : True

When you make it true, you should show Firefox an editor :

Key : view_source.editor.path
Default : Null
What i am using : /usr/bin/gedit

4- Fullscreen Toolbar Animation

When you go fullscreen at Firefox, i always hate that damn animation :).Now you can disable or change that animation.

Key : browser.fullscreen.animateUp
Default : 1 (1 = animate the toolbar collapse only the first time)
What i am using : 0

Values : 1 = animate the toolbar collapse only the first time, 0 = disable animation, 2 = enable the animation for every collapse

5- Disable or Adjust Session Restore Function

This is where you can make your Firefox faster.Firefox automatically saves your session every 10 secs so you can restore it when it crashes.This is a useful feature but saving every 10 secs may not be good if you are using a notebook.

Key : browser.sessionstore.interval
Default : 10000 (= 10 secs)
What i am using : 90000 (This is a lot better when you are using a notebook)

PS : I changed mine from 90000 to 340000 today.

Key : browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash
Default : True
What i am using : True

6- Disable Anti-Virus Scanning

This is probably for Windows users since linux users do not need this.So we can disable it to gain speed 🙂

Key : browser.download.manager.scanWhenDone
Default : True
What i am using : False

7- Speeding Firefox Up

Please read my blog post, Howto Optimize Firefox , about:config tricks are at Section D.

8- Select All Text/Address With One Click

I blogged about this useful feature here.

9- Auto Fill Address in URL Bar

You can get your address bar to auto fill the address as you type the URL.

Key : browser.urlbar.autoFill
Default Value : False
What i am using : True

10- Setting Zoom Limit
If you find current zoom level is not efficient for you, you can change it with this trick.

Key : zoom.maxPercent
Default Value : 300 (percent)
What i am using : 400 (you can enter min 300)

Key : zoom.minPercent
Default Value : 30
What i am using : 30

11- Configure Backspace Button

You can configure backspace button to go back to previous page, or act as page up button.

Key : browser.backspace_action
Default Value : 2 (It does nothing)
What i am using : 0 ( 0= previous page, 1= page up)

12- Offline Cache

You can increase/decrease your offline cache from here.If you do not have internet access often, it is better to increase this.

Key : browser.cache.offline.capacity
Default Value : 512000 (kb)
What i am using : 512000

13- Add-On Search Results

When you go to Tools->Add-ons->Get Add-ons and make a search there, you will get max 5 results.The following key is defines that amount :

Key : extensions.getAddons.maxResults
Default Value : 5
What i am using : 8 (You can enter min 5)

14- Auto Hide Toolbar in Fullscreen Mode

When you press F11 and go fullscreen, the toolbar auto hides and appear upon mouse over.This key changes the function of auto hide part.

Key : browser.fullscreen.autohide
Default Value : True (Always auto hide)
Modified Value : False (always show the toolbar)

15- Open Search Box Results In New Tab

When you make a search ,which is located at the top right corner, it displays the result at current window.It really sucks and we can change it to new tab instead of current window :

Key : browser.search.openintab
Default Value : False (current tab)
What i am using : True (new tab)

16- Enable/Disable Close Button on Tabs

I do not want close buttons on tabs since i prefer using Ctrl + W shortcut.You can enable and disable close button on tabs with this key.

Key : browser.tabs.closeButtons
Default Value : 1 (display close buttons on all tabs)
What i am using : 0 (display close button on active tab only)

The values you can use :

0= display close button on active tab only, 1= display close buttons on all tabs, 2= disable close button on all tabs, 3= display a single close button at the end of tab strip

17- Adjust the Smart Location Bar’s Number of Suggestions

When you start typing at adress bar, you will see a drop-down list of suggestions.This key adjust that number of max suggestions.

Key : browser.urlbar.maxRichResults
Default Value : 12
What i am using : 5 (-1= disable this function)

С етикет:
Публикувано в linux, windows, Без категория, програми

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