If you use Linux and try to search for all php files containing short open tags you can use following command find -type f -exec grep -IlP ‘<\?(?!(php|xml|=))’ {} +
If you use Linux and try to search for all php files containing short open tags you can use following command find -type f -exec grep -IlP ‘<\?(?!(php|xml|=))’ {} +
mkvmerge -o outputprefix –split 1G origfile.mp4 You can use mkvmerge from the packet mkvtoolnix which can easy and fast do the job
Sometimes is very hard to debug Drupal when you get white screen of death Very often some module is making the mess To check which module is breaking the site Open includes/module.inc and find function module_invoke_all Add bolded line to…
If you get some errors like this you need to open your home directory vim ~/.my.cnf and change on the row pass= to password=